Monday, February 18, 2013

Happy Drundez!

Me, Elder Harrington, Serge, and Shushan, a member

I'm always the last to know about things around here. Because the zone leaders are split, and Elder Hall is the senior zone leader, often times the assistants will call him without telling him to let me know, so I usually don't know about things until they happen. :p

And as a missionary, world news doesn't get to me very often at all. And if it does, it may not be the most reliable... I think I heard something about the pope stepping down because of health issues. That may be true, but there are a ton of rumors that go along with that that I doubt.

Anyways, today is elections day here. So we'll see how things turn out. People don't really seemed interested about it this year around. I don't really think there are too many competitors for the guy already in office.

So the new Senior couples came this week. That was pretty cool. They're the Haglunds. They seem to be really cool. Elder Haglund was in the Air Force ( :D ) which I found to be pretty cool. And he actually lived in LA for a little bit so he knew a little about Santa Monica and even knew my High School :)

On the 13th of February, Armenia had a little holiday called Drundez. It's kind of like Valentines day, except more....paganistic. :p So during the holiday, at night they light a fire at the church and let it go down to coals, and then couples jump over the fire. When you jump over the fire it's supposed to help both of you have....fertility that year :p So that's the tradition. And then after there's a big party and you invite all your family over.
On valentines day, I made a bunch of hearts and handed it out to a whole bunch of people :) That was fun.

Anyways, that was my week. I filled my one journal and now I'm on my next one :)

Well, I love you all!

Elder Hammer 
Our way to the baptism in Gyumri. Sister Nelson and Elder Wood
She lives out in this little village called Jrashen

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